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报告开始:2021年07月11日 11:24 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S1C] 1C、第四纪地质与全球变化 » [S1C-2] 1C、第四纪地质与全球变化-2


用实地勘察的方法来约束青藏高原所有冰川在过去的变化几乎不可能,本研究尝试通过数值模拟的方法来达到这个目的。前人的研究通常不考虑冰川对气候的反馈,而是用一个给定的气候场驱动冰川模式来模拟LGM时期青藏高原的冰川。本研究自主开发了一个耦合器,将地球系统模式CESM 1.2.2与冰盖模式ISSM 4.17进行耦合。本研究使用现代的冰川分布对冰川模式中的关键参数进行了约束,然后利用约束好的参数首次实现了对LGM青藏高原冰川和气候的耦合模拟。
模拟结果显示,气候与冰川的相互作用对LGM青藏高原冰川规模的影响很大。在不考虑这种相互作用(非耦合模拟)时,模拟得到的冰川面积和体积分别为1.25×106 km2 和1.04×106 km3,在耦合模拟中则下降至1.15×106 km2与0.80×106 km3。耦合模拟中,青藏高原腹部西侧的冰川面积减少约50%,喜马拉雅山脉东侧减少约70%,青藏高原东部唐古拉山脉一带也有减少;而在祁连山脉、天山山脉和帕米尔高原,冰川的面积与厚度均有明显上升。对比非耦合试验,本文的LGM耦合模拟得到的冰川分布与重建资料的吻合程度更高,在天山区域的模拟结果也较前人研究有所改进。

Tibetan Plateau is the highest-elevation plateau on Earth, hosting the largest number of glaciers in China. Glaciers on Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas was much more extensive than present during Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), a period of time centered around 21ka when global mean temperature was 5-8 Kelvin lower than today. Due to uncertainties and scarcity in reconstruction data, constraints of the exact state of LGM glaciers was far beyond ideal. Accurately reconstructing glaciers on and around Tibetan Plateau remains vital towards understanding not only glaciers’ sensitivity against climate change, but also our climate system’s response against changes in glaciers.
Recognizing the difficulty in constraining all of Tibetan Plateau’s glaciers through field-study, we attempt to achieve this goal through means of numerical simulation. Previous studies commonly simulate LGM glaciers with a prescribed climatology without considering the changes through feedbacks from glaciers. We address this issue by building a coupler that couples a climate model/earth system model to an ice-sheet model, which in this study are CESM 1.2.2 and ISSM 4.17, respectively. This was the first time, to the best of our knowledge, that a LGM simulation was done for Tibetan Plateau with dynamically coupled ice-sheet and climate model. During our investigation, we constrained key parameters in the ice-sheet model by comparing present-day glacier simulations with observations of coverage. This set of parameters was then used in LGM simulations.
Our results show that the interaction between Tibetan Plateau glaciers and climate was significant and should not be ignored in high-accuracy simulations. Uncoupled runs that ignores such interaction yielded glacial coverage and volume of 1.25×106 km2 and 1.04×106 km3, respectively, while coupled ice-sheet-climate model yielded 1.15×106 km2 and 0.80×106 km3, respectively. Regional glacial features showed more dramatic changes once coupled. Glaciers on the mid-west Tibetan Plateau decreased in area by ~50%, while those north and east of Himalayas decreased by ~70%. In contrast, Qilian Mountains, Tianshan Mountains and Pamir Plateau saw pronounced increase in coverage and thickness. Compared with uncoupled simulations, our coupled results is in better agreement with reconstructions of LGM glaciers and provide significant improvement over previous studies in Tianshan region.
The amount of dust in the atmosphere and its deposition changes under various climate states. Such variations in turn, influence the climate through radiative effects and snow properties. This study further compares LGM glaciers and climate in Tibetan Plateau region under three different conditions, namely no dust, prescribed present-day dust and dynamically modelled LGM dust. Simulation results showed that changes in dust mass and distribution posed non-negligible influence on Tibetan Plateau glaciers and the climate.
博士研究生 北京大学

魏强 北京大学
刘永岗 北京大学
胡永云 北京大学
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