The North Pacific Blob acts to increase the predictability of the Atlantic Warm Pool
编号:461 稿件编号:762 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2021-06-12 08:45:46 浏览:794次 口头报告

报告开始:2021年07月11日 09:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S11A] 11A、大气科学 » [S11A-2] 11A、专题3-季节内至年代际气候变异


The Atlantic warm pool (AWP) has profound impacts on extreme weather events and climate variability. Factors influencing the AWP and its predictability are still not fully understood. Other than local ocean-atmosphere feedbacks and ENSO, we find an extratropical precursor from the Northeast Pacific (known as the Blob), which leads the AWP by one year with a robust correlation (r = 0.68). A suite of Northeast Pacific pacemaker experiments successfully reproduces the leading influence of the Blob on the AWP. The preceding summer Blob-related sea surface temperature (SST) warming signal can be transmitted towards the lower latitudes through the seasonal footprint mechanism, leading to the central Pacific warming in the winter and following spring. Such a strong tropical Pacific SST heating excites an anomalous atmospheric wave train that resembles the Pacific/North American (PNA) teleconnection pattern. At the downstream portion of the PNA, the low sea surface pressure (SLP) anomalies can be found over the AWP region during the following spring. The anomalous low initiates the AWP SST warming, and the AWP warmer SST can persist into summer and is further amplified due to ocean-atmosphere feedbacks. Our results show that the North Pacific Blob may act as a useful predictor of the AWP one year in advance through trans-basin interactions. A Blob-based prediction model shows considerable hindcast skill for the observed AWP SST anomaly.
Atlantic warm pool;,North Pacific Blob,inter-basin teleconnection,marine heatwave,warm pool prediction

LiuYusen 北京师范大学全球变化与地球系统科学研究院
ChengSun 北京师范大学全球变化与地球系统科学研究院
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